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Legal Roundup: Good News and Bad News for Social Conservatives

With the Supreme Court soon reaching the end of its term for this year, and the Biden Administration’s illegal Title IX rewrite coming to a head, we want to update you on some important cases social conservatives are watching.


Abortion Pills


Sadly, the Supreme Court voted 9-0 last week to keep abortion pills dangerously accessible to pregnant mothers. Most upsettingly, the Court didn’t even consider the merits of the case brought by our allies at Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM). In the case, called Food and Drug Administration (FDA) v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, AHM alleged that the FDA endangers women by breaking their own rules and deregulating these high-risk drugs.


In March, Family Policy Alliance joined numerous pro-life Americans on the steps of the Supreme Court in simply asking the administrative state to follow its own rules and protect vulnerable mothers from these dangerous drugs. But because the Court ruled that AHM didn’t have legal standing to bring the case, the Court therefore couldn’t rule on the FDA’s betrayal of American women.


This is a disappointing outcome but there is hope. In its decision, the Court made clear that conscience rights for healthcare professionals who don’t want to participate in abortions or other procedures are absolutely essential.


Emergency Room Abortions


This is a very promising sign for another case social conservatives are watching: State of Idaho v. United States. This case seeks to stop the Biden Administration from using federal law to force emergency room doctors and healthcare workers to perform abortions that are illegal under Idaho state law. Because of the Court’s ringing defense of medical conscience rights in FDA v. AHM, we are very expectant that they will rule in favor of Idaho later this month.


Men in Women’s Sports


Finally, there is some very good news for social conservatives: the Biden Administration’s anti-woman, illegal rewrite of Title IX is crashing and burning! Multiple suits brought by groups of different states have succeeded in stopping the Biden Administration’s unlawful and misogynist new Title IX regulations that would endanger women and girls and rob them of their rights and opportunities. Through multiple cases, the new regulations are enjoined in at least ten states!


And as a final cherry on top for protecting women’s opportunities, male swimmer Lia Thomas’s case against World Aquatics to force his way into female Olympic swimming events has been dismissed! This ruling ensures the swimming events in Paris this summer will be on a level playing field for the deserving female athletes whose hard work earned them their qualification and chance to compete for gold. The movement to #SaveGirlsSports rolls on!


So, though there is disappointment from the Supreme Court, there is also hope in the American and worldwide legal arenas to protect women and girls and uphold social conservative values. FPA and our many allies are working to keep this trend going, and we couldn’t do it without your support and prayers. We ask that you continue your generous prayers for us and for the lawyers and judges in America as they consider these and more important cases in the coming days.

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