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God‘s Encouraging Word of the day

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.”

John 14:1

It would be easy for me to say things like don’t worry give it to God, or why are you worried Jesus knows what you’re going through He will help you.

We all know saying something and understanding something  are two completely different things.

when we wake up with a pit feeling in our stomach or the anxiety you feel on the way to a meeting, maybe you’re stressed about your current work situation or about your children’s studies.

Whatever the situation may be, the answer really is to trust in God! Now in order to trust in God we must first have a relationship with God.

Its like having a friend that we know… no matter what time we call they’ll answer, no matter what the situation they’ll be willing to help and the reason we know these things is because we spend time with that friend.

The only way to know that God will always be there for you is to spend time with Him!

Consistently praying, reading your Bible and talking with God Will show you just how mighty and loving and oh so dependable HE really is. God really will deliver you from your worries and lead you through the storms you’re going through!

God Bless You

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