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You’re the answer to antisemitism


In 2024, it should be difficult to imagine any American being attacked outside their house of worship, yet, this week, anti-Israel protesters in Los Angeles blocked Jewish congregants and community members from entering their synagogue, the Adas Torah Temple, and then became violent toward congregants.

Sharply rising antisemitism across the United States bears an eerie resemblance to the pogroms of the 1930’s from which Jewish Europeans had no escape.


In 2024, Jew-hatred isn’t a world away. Jew-hatred is happening in your very zip code.


For years, CUFI has been working to ensure there is a national definition of antisemitism to guide the prosecution of hate crimes. While the majority of states and a majority of the U.S. House of Representatives favored legislation that would do the same, the Senate has refused to even consider the Antisemitism Awareness Act.


As Israel is under attack by Iran-backed terrorists and the American Jewish community is under attack by American antisemites, far too many of our leaders have forgotten what we sent them to Washington to do; this cannot stand.

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